All committees of Council function under a mandate of strategic or financial importance to the NWU. They are chaired by persons with the requisite knowledge, skills and experience, and operate under clear terms of reference.
Executive Committee (Exco)
The Executive Committee deals with governance matters between Council meetings and reports on these matters at the next meeting. It also ensures that the Code of Conduct for Council members is upheld, and finalises matters referred to it by Council.
1. Chairperson of Council: Mr A Sorgdrager
2. Deputy Chairperson of Council: Ms R Kenosi
3. External Member of Council: Ms S Britz
4. External Member of Council: Vacant
5. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
6. Vice-Principal: Prof L du Plessis
7. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC)
This Committee is accountable to Council for the performance of its duties, which are to safeguard the NWU’s assets, to maintain adequate accounting records, to develop and maintain an effective system of internal control, to oversee management’s role in creating and maintaining a proper risk management process, and to authorise the annual audit fee of the external auditors. The Committee provides a channel of communication between the Council, management, the internal audit function and the external auditors. It enjoys unrestricted communication with the Chairperson of Council (who is not a member of the Audit Committee), the Vice-Chancellor, the Executive Director: Finance and Facilities, and the internal and external auditors.
1. External Member of Council: Mr TV Mokgatlha (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External Member of Council: Mr S de Bruyn
3. External Member of Council: Mr MJS Thabethe
4. External Member of Council: Ms R Kenosi
5. Independent expert: Ms M van Zyl
6. External Member of Council: Ms P Moleke
7. Executive Director: Finance and Facilities: Ms E de Beer (in attendance)
8. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka (in attendance)
9. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
Finance Committee
The mandate of the Finance Committee is to advise Council on financial and investment matters and on long-term infrastructure development at the NWU. In fulfilling this role, the Committee is tasked with reinforcing Council’s governance function with regard to sound, responsible and effective financial planning, financial administration, financial governance and proper financial reporting.
To carry out its duties, the Finance Committee makes use of three subcommittees, namely the Tender Committee, the Investments Committee and the Assets Committee.
1. External Member of Council: Mr C Mabe (CHAIRPERSON)
2. Chairperson of the Assets Committee: Ms P Moleke
3. Chairperson of Council: Mr A Sorgdrager
4. Chairperson of the Investments Committee: Mr S Mohapi
5. External Member of Council: Vacant
6. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
7. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka (in attendance)
8. Executive Director: Finance and Facilities: Ms E de Beer (in attendance)
Tender Committee
This Committee’s role is to approve the tender policies and procedures prepared by management, to check that these comply with the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003, to confirm that tender policies are being implemented, and to evaluate and approve tenders for contracts valued at between R2 million and R15 million. For contracts exceeding R15 million, the Committee evaluates the tenders received and makes a recommendation to Council.
1. External Auditor: Mr S de Bruyn (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External Member of Council: Vacant
3. External member of Council: Ms P Moleke
4. External expert: Ms MJ Mwase
5. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
6. Registrar: Prof MM Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
7. Executive Director: Finance and Facilities: Ms E de Beer (in attendance)
Investments Committee (a subcommittee of the Finance Committee)
The main task of this committee is to establish measures so that the NWU can earn the highest possible yield on investments, with appropriate risk exposure. Its duties are to appoint portfolio managers and evaluate investment policies, the investment performance of portfolio managers and the credit arrangements within which the money market manager can operate.
1. External investment expert: Mr S Mohapi (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External investment expert: Mr L Seliane
3. External Member of Council: Mr N Omar
4. External member of Council: Ms P Moleke
5. Chairperson of the Finance Committee: Mr C Mabe
6. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
7. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
8. Executive Director: Finance and Facilities: Ms E de Beer (in attendance)
9. Internal NWU expert: Prof J Fouché (in attendance)
Assets Committee (a subcommittee of the Finance Committee)
The main responsibility of this committee is to ensure the long-term development and maintenance of the infrastructure of the university.
1. External Member of Council: Ms P Moleke (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External Member of Council: Mr TV Mokgatlha
3. External Member of Council: Ms S Britz
4. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
5. Registrar: Prof MM Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
6. Executive Director: Finance and Facilities: Ms E de Beer (in attendance)
People and Culture and Employment Equity Committee (PCEE)
The mandate of the Human Capital Development and Employment Equity Committee is to ensure that adequate human resource policies and strategies are in place and to monitor the implementation of these policies and strategies in accordance with the set criteria and measures. The committee is responsible for all human resources and employment equity-related aspects, including remuneration and service conditions matters that are not within the scope of the Remuneration Committee. The Committee, as governing body, receives and evaluates reports from management on specific human resources issues, including compliance with statutory requirements, and ensures that management is held accountable for the implementation of human resources-related strategy and policies.
1. External Member of Council: Ms R Kenosi
2. External Member of Council: Mr C Mabe
3. External Member of Council: Ms S Britz
4. External expert: Dr JL Ramakau
5. Internal Member of Council: Prof P Smit
6. Internal Member of Council: Prof A Verhoef
7. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
8. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
9. Executive Director: People and Culture: Dr M Singh (in attendance)
Transformation Oversight Committee (TOC)
The Transformation Oversight Committee oversees the implementation of the transformational aspects of the Annual Performance Plan.
1. External Member of Council: Vacant (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External Member of Council: Adv PG Seleka SC
3. External Member of Council: Ms S Britz
4. Internal Member of Council: Dr AA le Roux
5. Internal Member of Council: Vacant
6. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
7. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
8. Executive Director: People and Culture: Dr M Singh (in attendance)
Student Life Oversight Committee (SLOC)
The committee fulfils an oversight role in as far as it oversees and advises the NWU management on all aspects related to student matters at the University.
1. External Member of Council: Pastor P Tlhabanyane
2. External Member of Council: Adv M Kruger
3. External Member of Council: Ms PP Thebe
4. External Member of Council: Mr A Sorgdrager
5. Internal member of Council: Prof D Modise
6. Internal member of Council: Prof P Smit
7. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
8. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
Honorary Awards Committee
The Honorary Awards Committee considers nominations for Honorary Doctorates and other Honorary Awards.
1. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
2. Chairperson of Council: Mr A Sorgdrager
3. Deputy Chairperson of Council: Ms R Kenosi
4. Internal Member of Council: Prof A Verhoef
5. Internal Member of Council: Prof D Modise
6. Internal Member of Council: Prof A Kotzé
7. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
Committee co-ordinator: Gerette Lotter
Remuneration Committee (RemCom)
The primary role of the committee is to assist Council in carrying out its responsibilities regarding a fair and responsible remuneration philosophy and the implementation thereof as this is to become evident in remuneration policies and strategies.
1. Chairperson of the Finance Committee: Mr C Mabe (CHAIRPERSON)
2. Chairperson of the NWU Council: Mr A Sorgdrager
3. Chairperson of the People and Culture and Employment Equity Committee: Ms R Kenosi
4. Chairperson of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee: Mr TV Mokgatlha
5. External member of Council: Vacant
6. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
7. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
8. Executive Director: Finance and Facilities: Ms E de Beer (in attendance)
9. Executive Director: People and Culture: Prof M Singh (in attendance)
Technology and Information Governance Committee (TIGov)
1. External members of Council: Mr MSJ Thabethe (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External IT expert: Mr XL Hadebe
3. External information expert: Ms E Stander
4. External member of Counil: Adv M Kruger
5. Internal member of Council: Dr AA le Roux
6. External Member of Council: Mr TP Venter
7. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
8. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
9. Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Assigned functions and Potchefstroom Campus Operations: Prof D Balia (in attendance)
10. Director: Information Technology: Mr CE Pretorius (in attendance)
Committee coordinator: Renee Watson
Social and Ethics Committee (SEC)
The Social and Ethics Committee is responsible for the governance of all aspects related to organisational ethics, responsible corporate citizenship, sustainable development and stakeholder relationships as these add to the value-creation of the university.
1. External members of Council: Mr MSJ Thabethe (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External member of Counil: Adv PG Seleka SC
3. External member of Council: Prof A Combrink
4. External member of Council: Pastor PM Tlhabanyane
5. Internal member of Council: Ms H Lekalakala
6. Internal Member of Council: Vacant
7. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
8. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
Student Housing Committee (SHC)
The purpose of the Student Housing Committee is to provide strategic direction, governance and oversight in regard to the relevant functions of the committee and to advise Council accordingly. The functions of the committee include to provide strategic direction in regard to the NWU's pursuit towards a clearly differentiated student value proposition, provide strategic direction towards a sense of belonging, a diverse and integrated student life across the campuses, particularly as this pertains to the provisioning of student housing in university-owned and university-leased as well as privately owned and university-accredited facilities and to guide the development of policies, guidelines and rules in regard a number of matter related to the Policy on Minimum Norms and Standards for Student Housing at Public Universities (GG 39238, 29 September 2015).
1. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka (CHAIRPERSON)
2. External member of Council: Pastor P Tlhabanyane
3. Internal member of Council: Prof A Kotzé
4. Executive Director Finance and Facilities: Ms E de Beer
5. Executive Director Student Life: Dr S Chalufu
6. DVC Potchefstroom Campus: Prof D Balia
7. DVC Mahikeng Campus: Prof S Swanepoel
8. DVC Vanderbijlpark Campus: Prof L du Plessis
9. SRC Chairperson: Ms T Molefi
10. SCC PC Residence officer: Ms H du Toit
11. SCC MC Residence offider: Mr H Makwela
12. SCC VC Residence officer: Mr T Tshabalala
13. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef (ex officio secretary)
Human Rights Committee
The North-West University (“NWU”) Human Rights Committee (“HRC”) is a standing committee established by the Council and in accordance with the university’s Human Rights Policy in order to assist the Council to fulfil an oversight role in regard to the effectiveness and efficiency of processes, procedures and structures relevant to inculcate respect and to pursue and uphold the fundamental rights and values as contained in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of South Africa and other international human rights law.
The HRC functions independently and impartially and participates in its activities in good faith and without fear, favour, bias or prejudice.
1. Independent Chairperson: Ms M Chenia
2. External member of Council: Adv M Kruger
3. External member of Council: Ms PP Thebe
4. Internal member of Council: Vacant
5. External expert for diversity/equity: Adv I Mwanawina
6. External expert for labour relations: Prof H Pienaar
7. Member from the Faculty of Law: Prof R Phooko
8. SRC Deputy Chairperson: Ms KE Mogoshoa
9. Vice-Chancellor: Prof MB Tyobeka
10. Registrar: Prof M Verhoef
11. Executive Director People and Culture: Dr M Singh (in attendance)
12. Executive Director Student Life: Dr S Chalufu (in attendance)
13. Director Employee Relations: Mr P Mahoko (in attendance)
14. Manager Student Judicial Services: Mr L Makoro (in attendance)
Updated: Amanda van der Merwe On: 2024.01.18