Access to Information Act


Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) and the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)


Promotion of Access to Information Act

The North-West University(NWU) complies with the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000. Therefore an information manual has been published by the University in thee different languages.

                 NWU-handleiding: Wet op die Bevordering van Toegang tot Inligting

                 Promotion of Access to Information Act Manual of the North-West University

                 Molao wa Thotloetso ya Phitlhelelo ya Tshedimosetso Bukakaedi ya Yunibesiti Ya Bokone-Bophirima     

Any/all person(s) who wishes to apply for access to record(s)/information held by the NWU may apply for such access by completing the online request form and ensure that all the relevant fields are completed.

The NWU Records, Archives and Museum management policy as well as the NWU File plan and disposal schedule (available on request from the Records, Archives and Museum department) provide an indication of the records the NWU keeps and the manner in which these are managed.

Please take note that not all records listed in the NWU File plan and disposal schedule will necessarily be made available on request, considering that certain records are fully or partially confidential and/or the internal disposal procedures followed by the NWU.


Protection of Personal Information Act

The purpose of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPIA) is to ensure that all South African institutions conduct themselves in a responsible manner when collecting, processing, storing and sharing another individual's personal information by holding themselves accountable should they abuse or compromise such personal information in any way.

The Act considers personal information as extremely valuable and therefore bestows on an individual, as owner of the personal information, certain rights of protection and the ability to exercise control over:

  • when and how you choose to share your information;
  • the type and extent of information you choose to share;
  • transparency and accountability on how information will be used;
  • providing you with access to your own personal information as well as the right to have your information destroyed;
  • who has access to your information;
  • how and where your information is stored; and
  • the integrity and continued accuracy of your personal information.

Please refer to the infographic of POPIA for more information.

For any enquiries relating to the Protection of Personal Information Act click here.

To report a data breach or for any complaints relating to the protection of personal information, click here.

Information Officer(s):

The Vice-Chancellor is our Information Officer and must ensure that the NWU protects people's right to privacy and that the NWU complies with the POPIA. However, the Vice-Chancellor cannot do it alone.

When you manage personal information you have a responsibility to protect it and a duty to get  in touch with the POPIA-team if you think we are not putting your privacy first.

Information Officer

Prof MB Tyobeka

Deputy Information Officers

Prof M Verhoef

Prof J Mphahlele


For the Information Officer infographic, click here.

Also read the NWU Privacy Statement for more information.


PAIA and POPIA documents and announcements

POPIA Code of Conduct for Public Universities

The NWU adopted the Personal Information Privacy Policy on 17 June 2021.

Rules for the use of WhatsApp and similar groups for official NWU business.

POPIA Infographic - Information Officer(s) - If you see something, say something

Register your WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal and similar groups


Reporting a data breach

Section 22 of the POPIA makes provision for the notification of information/data/security compromises.

Any person who knows or reasonably believes that a breach of the security of personal identifiable information has occurred should report their concern to the University as soon as possible.

Any University employee or student (including student leadership) with a responsibility for data protection must report known or suspected breaches of security of personal identifiable information. These reports will enable the University to investigate and address the concern and to make determinations about appropriate notification to the data subjects concerned, of the personal identifiable information. All reports of breaches will be dealt with in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure for breaches.

To report a data breach to the NWU please complete the form to report Information/data/security breaches. Should you require any assistance with the form, please contact the POPIA task team at


POPIA Information:

The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA) has become fully enforceable on 1 July 2020. All personal identifiable information provided by you shall be treated in accordance with the NWU Personal Information Privacy Policy, NWU Privacy Statement and other related rules and procedures, and only used for the specific identified purpose the information was supplied for.

Standard Operating Procedures related to PAIA and POPIA

Standard Operating Procedure for reporting information/data breaches in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act


For more information on how the NWU complies with PAIA and POPIA, please contact:

Ms Annamarie de Kock

Information Governance Coordinator

018 285 2771

