Alumni - Alec Moemi

Mr Mokoditloa Eliakim (Alec) Moemi is Sport and Recreation South Africa’s (SRSA) Director-General. This means that administratively he is the head of SRSA while Minister Fikile Mbalula heads the SRSA politically. The aim of SRSA is to improve the quality of life of all South Africans by promoting participation in sport and recreation.

Mr Moemi’s skills and passions are not limited to sport alone and in his student days he also participated extensively in student leadership.

He has served organisations such as the Congress of South African Students (Cosas), the South African Students’ Press Union (Saspu) and the South African Students’ Congress (Sasco). He has also been a member of various youth organisations and engaged in many youth initiatives.

As a former president of the Student Representative Council, Mr Moemi was elected a council member of the then University of the North-West (UNW). He was later elected treasurer general of the UNW Alumni Association and, during the same period, also represented the alumni on the University Council. 

Mr Moemi furthered his studies in the Management of Corporate Communications at the University of the Witwatersrand’s Business School.

He holds a B Juris degree from the UNW and a Master’s degree in Political Governance and Transformation from the University of the Free State. He was also a member of the provincial executive committee of the Black Management Forum in the Free State.

At one time he was an active entrepreneur, running successful private businesses in the services and retail sectors. He was previously employed as the National Administrator for the African National Congress (ANC) in the Youth League Headquarters. Thereafter he served briefly as manager of special projects and subsequently as manager of strategic partnerships for the Umsobomvu Youth Fund.

Mr Moemi then worked for the Free State Youth Commission as chief executive officer and served as regional manager for the Bloemfontein Region of Standard Bank.

His career path took him to the Office of the Premier in the Free State Provincial Government where he worked as chief director responsible for special programmes and inter-governmental relations.

As director-general of SRSA, he is on top of his game and working hard to take South Africa to the next level in sport.