Alumni Awards Recipient: Prof Johan van der Vyver

Alumni Awards

Prof Johan van der Vyver: an academic ahead of his time

Four decades ago, he introduced the first human rights course taught at a South African university and provoked the ire of the government for criticising the country’s apartheid security legislation. The perseverance he displayed then still characterises his career today: at 87 years of age, Professor Johan van der Vyver continues to lecture full time at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, in the USA.

Looking back at the 70 years since he first became a student at the former Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, it is clear that Prof Van der Vyver has always been ahead of the times.

After completing his BCom and LLD degrees in the mid-1950s, he joined the Faculty of Law as a lecturer and served as dean from 1972 to 1974.

In 1978, Prof van der Vyver ran into trouble for his criticism of security legislation. Under pressure from Government, the university Council barred him from teaching for an entire semester and from publishing anything controversial without permission.

Unwilling to accept this, he resigned and accepted a position at Wits University, where he remained until 1995, when Emory University asked him to fill in for a year for a lecturer who had left. Prof Van der Vyver ended up being offered the position he still holds today, IT Cohen Professor of International Law and Human Rights.


Prof Johan van der Vyver: ’n akademikus wat sy tyd ver vooruit is

Hy het net meer as 40 jaar gelede die eerste kursus oor menseregte by ’n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit aangebied en hom die gramskap van die regering vir sy kritiek oor die land se veiligheidswetgewing op die hals gehaal. Die deursettingsvermoë wat hy toe getoon het, is steeds vandag ’n kenmerk van sy loopbaan: op 87-jarige ouderdom is professor Johan van der Vyver steeds besig om voltyds aan die Emory Universiteit in Atlanta, Georgia, in die VSA klas te gee.

As ’n mens terugkyk na 70 jaar gelede toe hy as student by die voormalige Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys ingeskryf het, is dit duidelik dat prof Van der Vyver nog altyd sy tyd vooruit was.

Nadat hy in die mid-1950’s sy BCom- en LLD-graad voltooi het, het hy as dosent by die Fakulteit Regte aangesluit en van 1972 tot 1974 as dekaan gedien.

Prof Van der Vyver het in 1978 probleme oor sy kritiek op veiligheidswetgewing ondervind. Die Universiteitsraad het hom onder druk van die regering verbied om ’n hele semester lank klas te gee en om sonder toestemming enigiets kontroversieel te publiseer.

Hy was nie bereid om dit te aanvaar nie en het bedank en ’n pos by Wits Universiteit aanvaar, waar hy tot 1995 gebly het toe die Emory Universiteit hom gevra het om ’n jaar lank in te staan vir ’n dosent wat vertrek het. Prof Van der Vyver het op die ou end die pos aanvaar wat hy steeds vandag beklee, naamlik IT Cohen professor van Internasionale Reg en Menseregte.


Johan van der Vyver: moakatemi pele ga nako ya gagwe

Dingwaga di le masomeamane tse di fetileng, o ne a simolola khoso ya ntlha ya ditshwanelo tsa batho e e rutwang kwa yunibesiting ya Aforikaborwa mme a galefisa puso ka ntlha ya go tshwaya diphoso ga gagwe molao wa tshireletso wa Aforikaborwa. Moporofesa Johan van der Vyver o na le dingwaga di le 87 jaanong mme o santse a tswelela pele go dira tiro ya botlhatlheledi ya nako e e tletseng kwa Emory University kwa Atlanta, Georgia, kwa USA.

Fa re leba kwa morago dingwaga di le 70 fa e sa le a nnile moithuti wa Yunibesiti ya Potchefstroom ya Thutogodimo ya Sekeresete ya nako e e fetileng, go bonala sentle gore Mop van der Vyver ga a bolo go nna kwa pele ga dinako.

Fa a sena go wetsa dikirii ya Bcom le ya LLD mo bogareng jwa dingwaga tsa bo 1950, o ne tsenela Legoro la tsa Molao, e le motlhatlheledi mme a nna modini go simolola ka 1972 le ka 1974.

Ka 1978, Mop van der Vyver o ne a tsena mo mathateng ka ntlha ya go tshwaya diphoso ga gagwe molao wa tshireletso. Ka ntlha ya kgatelelo ya puso, Lekgotla la yunibesiti le ne la mo iletsa gore a se ka a ruta semesetara sotlhe le go phasalatsa sepe se go ngangisanwang ka sone ntle le tetla.

E re ka a ne a sa batle go dumalana le seno, o ne a tlogela tiro mme a amogela maemotiro kwa Yunibesiting ya Wits, ko a neng a direla gone go fitlha ka 1995, fa Yunibesiti ya Emory e ne e mo kopa gore a tsene ngwaga otlhe mo legatong la motlhatlheledi yo o neng a tsamaile. Mop van der Vyver o ne a feleletsa a neilwe maemo ao mme o santse a le mo go one le gompieno, a go nna Moporofesa yo o Eteletseng Pele wa Molao wa Boditšhabatšhaba le wa Ditshwanelo tsa Batho