Dimakatso Mohapi: A born teacher who shares the secrets of code
Being able to write code is a coveted fourth industrial revolution skill and South Africans dare not be left behind. Dimakatso Agnes Mohapi is on a mission to teach coding to as many young people as possible, especially in her own community of Orange Farm in Gauteng.
Her passion for teaching started as a student tutor and teaching assistant at the North-West University’s Vanderbijlpark Campus, where she completed a Bachelor of Information Technology and BScHons in Computer Science and IT.
Dimakatso’s love of teaching grew when she joined Vodacom, where she is a data analyst, and became a facilitator for the company’s Code Like a Girl programme, teaching close to 70 students a week.
She also founded RunTechnology to teach children in Grades 1 to 9 to write code. So far, Dimakatso has taught approximately 45 people to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Scratch and SQL.
What’s more, when she is approached to build a website or an app, she offers these opportunities to others in the community instead of keeping them for herself. Past participants in RunTechnology have started businesses, developed applications, built databases and helped companies with data analysis.
Doors are opening for Dimakatso herself. She has been selected to enrol for a master’s programme in Hungary in the European Union, enabling her to explore the global IT environment.
Dimakatso Mohapi: ’n Gebore onderwyser wat die geheime van kodering deel
Om te kan kodeer, is ’n gesogte vaardigheid van die Vierde Industriële Revolusie en Suid-Afrikaners durf nie agterbly nie. Dimakatso Agnes Mohapi is druk besig om die basiese beginsels van kodering aan soveel jongmense as moontlik te leer, veral dié in haar eie gemeenskap in Orange Farm in Gauteng.
Haar passie vir onderrig het as studentetutor en onderrigassistent by die Noordwes-Universiteit se Vanderbijlparkkampus begin, waar sy ’n BA-graad in Inligtingstegnologie en ’n BScHons in Rekenaarwetenskap en IT voltooi het.
Dimakatso se liefde vir onderrig het toegeneem toe sy by Vodacom aangesluit het, waar sy ’n data-ontleder is en ’n fasiliteerder vir die maatskappy se Code Like a Girl-program geword het, waar sy tot 70 studente per week onderrig het.
Sy het ook RunTechnology gestig om kinders in graad 1 tot 9 te leer om te kodeer. Tot dusver het Dimakatso al ongeveer 45 mense geleer om HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Scratch en SQL te gebruik.
Wat meer is, wanneer sy genader word om ’n webwerf of ’n app op te bou, gee sy hierdie geleenthede aan ander in die gemeenskap deur in plaas daarvan om dit vir haarself te hou. Vorige deelnemers aan RunTechnology het sedertdien besighede begin, toepassings ontwikkel, databasisse gebou en maatskappye met data-ontleding gehelp.
Deure gaan tans vir Dimakatso self oop. Sy is gekeur om vir ’n meestersgraadprogram in Hongarye in die Europese Unie in te skryf, wat haar in staat stel om die wêreldwye IT-omgewing te verken.
Dimakatso Mohapi: Bokgoni jwa tlhago jwa go ruta ba bangwe go hunolola moraba
Go kgona go dira khunololamoraba ke bokgoni jwa phetogo ya lekgetlo la bone ya diintaseteri e bile Maaforikaborwa ga a batle go salela kwa morago mo bokgoning joo. Dimakatso Agnes Mohapi o ikemiseditse go ruta baša ba le bantsi ka moo a ka kgonang ka gone go kwala khoutu, segolobogolo ba ba tswang mo tikologong ya gaabo kwa Orange Farm kwa Gauteng.
Lerato le legolo la gagwe la go ruta le simolotse fa a ne a le motlhatlheledi wa moithuti le mothusa-motlhatlheledi kwa Khamphaseng ya Vanderbijlpark ya Yunibesiti ya Bokone-Bophirima, koo a neng a ithutela Batšhelara ya Thekenoloji ya Tshedimosetso le BSc Hons ya Saense ya Dikhomphiutha le IT gone.
Lerato la ga Dimakatso la go ruta le ne la gola fa a ne a simolola go direla Vodacom, koo a direlang jaaka motlhatlhoba deitha gone, le go nna motlhatlheledi wa Khoutu ya setlamo ya lenaneothuto la Like a Girl, le a neng a le ruta baithuti ba ka nna 70.
Gape o ne a tlhama RunTechnology ya go ruta bana ba Mophato 1 go fitlha ka 9 go kwala khoutu. Go tla go fitlha jaanong, Dimakatso o rutile batho ba ka nna 45 go dirisa HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Scratch le SQL.
Mo godimo ga moo, fa a kopiwa go aga webosaete kgotsa sediriso sa khomphiutha, o naya ba bangwe ditšhono tsa go dira jalo mo tikologong ya gaabo mo boemong jwa gore a itseele ditšhono tseo a le nosi. Ba ba neng ba tsaya karolo mo nakong e e fetileng mo Run Technology ba simolotse dikgwebo, ba tlhamile didiriso tsa khomphiutha, ba agile difalana-tshedimosetso le go thusa ditlamo go tlhatlhoba deitha.
Dimakatso ka boene o bulegelwa ke ditšhono. O tlhophilwe gore a ikwadisetse lenaneothuto la masetase kwa Hungary kwa European Union, go mo kgontsha go tlhatlhoba IT ya lefatshe ka bophara.