Alumni Awards Recipient: Advocate Lekgoa Jan (Andy) Mothibi

Alumni Awards

Advocate Lekgoa Jan (Andy) Mothibi: striving for a corruption-free society

A corruption-free South Africa is the goal towards which Adv Andy Mothibi, Head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), strives relentlessly. 

He has headed the SIU since May 2016, when he was appointed by the President of South Africa to lead the institution in investigating maladministration, malpractice and corruption within state institutions and against private sector parties complicit in such wrongdoing.

As one of South Africa’s top corruption busters, Adv Mothibi has mobilised the formidable experience he has gained in public law enforcement and private sector governance and risk management in a career spanning 34 years.

He graduated from the NWU with a BProc degree in 1987. After qualifying as an advocate, he became a public prosecutor and magistrate in the Johannesburg and Soweto magistrates.

Moving to the national Department of Finance in 1995, Adv Mothibi was part of the project to establish the South African Revenue Service (SARS), where he then headed its corporate services and governance functions.

Between 2005 and 2016, when he was appointed to the SIU, he held various senior positions in compliance and risk management at South African Airways, Nedbank and Standard Bank.

Now, in ensuring accountability and consequences for wrongdoers in government and the private sector, Adv Mothibi embodies the ethical leadership and good governance that South Africans long for.


Advokaat Lekgoa Jan (Andy) Mothibi: streef na ’n korrupsievrye samelewing

’n Korrupsievrye Suid-Afrika is die doel waarna adv Andy Mothibi, hoof van die Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid (SOE), onverpoosd streef.  

Hy is sedert Mei 2016 die hoof van die SOE, waar hy deur die President van Suid-Afrika aangestel is om die instelling te lei om wanadministrasie, wanpraktyke en korrupsie binne staatsinstellings te ondersoek, asook by privaatsektorpartye wat by sulke ongerymdhede betrokke is.

As een van Suid-Afrika se topbestryders van korrupsie, het adv Mothibi die uitgebreide ervaring wat hy opgedoen het in openbare wetstoepassing en in bestuur in die privaat sektor en risikobestuur aangewend in ’n loopbaan wat oor 34 jaar strek.

Hy het in 1987 met ’n BProc-graad aan die NWU gegradueer. Nadat hy as advokaat gekwalifiseer het, het hy ’n staatsaanklaer en landdros in die Johannesburgse en Soweto-landdroshof geword.

Adv Mothibi het in 1995 na die nasionale Departement van Finansies geskuif en was deel van die projek om die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) te vestig, waar hy aan die hoof van korporatiewe dienste en bestuur gestaan het.

Hy het tussen 2005 en 2016, toe hy by die SOE aangestel is, verskeie senior posisies in voldoening en risikobestuur by die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens, Nedbank en Standard Bank beklee.

Nou verseker hy aanspreeklikheid en gevolge vir alle oortreders op alle vlakke van die regering en die privaat sektor en is hy die verpersoonliking van etiese leierskap en goeie bestuur waarna Suid-Afrikaners so lankal uitsien.


Mmueledi wa Semolao e leng Lekgoa Jan (Andy) Mothibi: o lwela gore go se nne le bonweenwee mo setšhabeng

Mmueledi wa semolao e leng Lekgoa Mothibi, Tlhogo ya Yuniti e e Kgethegileng ya Dipatlisiso (Special Investigating Unit [SIU]) o kgaratlha a sa ipone tsapa go dira gore re nne le Aforikaborwa yo o senang bonweenwee. 

O nnile Tlhogo ya SIU fa e sa le ka Motsheganong 2016 fa a ne a tlhongwa ke Poresidente ya Aforikaborwa gore a etelele setheo pele mo go direng dipatlisiso ka botsamaisi jwa go tlhoka boikanyegi, bokebekwa mo tirong le bonweenwee mo teng ga ditheo tsa puso le ka batho ba ditheo tsa poraefete ba ba amegang mo ditlolomolaong tse di ntseng jalo.

Jaaka mongwe wa balwantshi ba bagolo ba bonweenwee, Mmueledi wa semolao e leng Mothibi o dirisitse maitemogelo a a seng kana ka sepe ao a nang le one a go diragatsa molao wa puso le taolo ya ditheo tsa poraefete le a go laola kgonega ya go na le ditatlhegelo tsa madi mo tirong ya gagwe e a nang le dingwaga di le 34 a le mo go yone.

O alogile kwa YBB ka dikirii ya BProc ka 1987. Fa a sena go tshwanelegela go nna mmueledi wa semolao, o ne a nna moatlhodi le magiseterata mo dikgotlatshekelong tsa Johannesburg le tsa Soweto.

Fa Mmueledi wa semolao e leng Mothibi a sena go fudugela mo Lefapheng la bosetšhaba la tsa Matlotlo ka 1995, o ne a tsaya karolo mo porojekeng ya go tlhoma Lefapha la Ditirelo tsa Madi a Lekgetho la Aforika Borwa (South African Revenue Service [SARS]), leo kwa go lone a neng a nna tlhogo ya ditirelo tsa kgwebo le ditiro tsa bolaodi.

Mo gare ga 2005 le 2016, fa a ne a sena go tlhomiwa mo lefapheng la SIU, o ne a tlhomiwa mo maemo-godimong a a farologaneng a go ikobelwa ga melao le a go laola Kgonego ya go nna le ditatlhegelo tsa madi kwa Lefapheng la Diphofo la Aforikaborwa, Nedbank le Standard Bank.

Jaanong, ka go tlhomamisa gore badiraditlolo tse di masisi ba sikarisiwa ditlamorago le matswela a ditiro tsa bone mo pusong le mo ditheong tsa poraefete, Mmueledi Mothibi o emela boeteledipele jwa maitshwaro a a siameng le taolo e e siameng e Aforikaborwa a eletsang go nna le yone.