ES- Electronic Services - Services

Primary Services

In relation to electronic facilities, we provide:








Applications for new facilities

  • Applications for new electronic systems are considered and implemented by EES.

  • Applications for new electrical facilities are mainly forwarded to PIP when infrastructural changes/upgrades are required. Only small electrical installations are carried out by EES.

  •  All requests are subject to approval in the best interest of the NWU.

  •  All costs related to the execution of approved projects are to be paid in full by the applicant.

    Planned upgrading of existing facilities
    ELS takes full responsibility to plan and budget for the planned upgrading of
    •    academic sound systems and



Planned Maintenance

ELS carries out planned maintenance on numerous systems as per agreed schedule                 



Day-to-day Maintenance

ELS takes responsibility for maintenance of essential, fixed electrical and electronic systems that are annually budgeted for.



Secondary services
Supply of electronic components

ELS maintains a storage facility for our own use and we are glad to share it with interested third parties. We offer a cash sales service at our stores counter.


Manufacture of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB’s)

ELS uses state of the art CAM facilities to manufacture PCB’s according to your own Gerber designs. We are capable of double-sided, through-hole plated boards with no solder mask. It is primarily meant for prototyping.


Supply of essential services at official events


ELS provides
•    Standby services for official events on a cost-recovery basis
•    Signal distribution of audio and video within our capabilities
•    Some equipment for hire as we may from time to time have at our disposal.

     Contact mr Tinus Steenkamp (018 299 4113, or