Protocols and directives

NWU COVID-19 hub


11 July 2022: NWU Protocol for contact teaching-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

As part of ensuring the continuity of the core business of the North-West University, the following protocols are provided the Teaching-Learning (TL) environment. The NWU remains committed towards creating a safe and healthy environment for its staff and students. Read more

11 July 2022: Standard operating procedures for student life co-curricular activities, programmes and events

As part of ensuring the business continuity of the North-West University as it relates to Student Life, the following revised COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures for Student Life Co-Curricular Activities, Programmes and Events1 are provided. Read more

11 July 2022: Protocols for University Residences and the Catering Services Environment

As part of ensuring the business continuity of the North-West University as it related to Business and Enterprise development, and in particular to the Residence and Catering Services environment, the following protocols are provided. The NWU remains committed towards creating an environment for its staff and students that is healthy and safe. Read more

3 July 2022: Baseline risk assessment: Student activities at the NWU

This baseline risk assessment focuses on a broad overview of student activities at the NWU in order to determine the risk profile and controls to be used in
subsequent issue-based risk assessments. Read more

27 June 2022: Standard operating plan: Covid-19 occupational health and safety

The purpose of this SOP is to provide standard requirements and protocol to as far as reasonably practicable mitigate (reduce) and control the COVID-19 hazard and transmission of COVID-19 at the NWU. To manage the health and safety of employees when at work and outline the occupational health and safety requirements to address, prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 at the NWU. To indicate the requirements with regards to vaccination for service providers and visitors at the NWU. Read more

27 June 2022: Integrated risk assessment of occupational positions at NWU

An issue-based risk assessment is designed to distinctly and clearly delineate and quantify risks associated with a particular hazard, in this case a biological hazard, the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus), causing COVID-19. This risk assessment is applicable to determine the activities of staff members and the risk reduction strategies. Read more

17 May 2022: Cleaning and sanitizing protocol for facilities

This guidance provides instructions on the cleaning and disinfection of lecture halls, ablution facilities, cafeterias and kiosks and other common areas where students and staff frequent on a regular basis within the NWU, in order to mitigate the threat posed by the COVID-19 disease. Get the Facilities Cleaning Protocol.

17 November 2020: Remote working protocol

The NWU has primarily operated and managed its staff members on the principle that they execute the majority of their tasks on the physical premises or demarcated worksites as per their job descriptions and performance agreements. COVID-19 has brought about many challenges to ensure business continuity, but also new perspectives on how work can be executed effectively from remote work locations. The NWU can leverage the lessons learned during the current pandemic to make critical operational changes...Read more

20 August 2020: Guidelines for Ensuring Compliance and consequence management regarding non-compliance with COVID-19 Protocols and Regulations

The purpose of this document is to provide employees and students with guidelines on how to comply with the provisions of the National Regulations as well as NWU protocols, regulations and directives and relating to COVID-19. It is also to provide the entire NWU Community with the necessary steps to ensure compliance, how to report non-compliance and the consequences of non-compliance.

Protocol for students   Protocol for staff