Previous announcements
Prospective first-year students to take note of NSFAS arrangements
26 January 2022
All NSFAS approved prospective first-year students should kindly take note that even though you would have been informed by NSFAS that your application was successful, the NWU is still awaiting the lists of students that are approved to receive funding from NSFAS. Until such time that these lists are received, the NWU cannot open up the system to allow you to register. As soon as the lists are received, you will be notified by the university that you can now register. Please take note that registration will remain open until 16 February 2022.
Urgent media release: Extension of the deadline for the student financial aid applications to January 21, 2022
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) would like to notify all learners, out of school youth, and non-funded students, that after consulting with various stakeholders, the deadline for applications for the student financial aid has been extended to Friday, January 21, 2022.The previous deadline was Friday, January 07, 2022... Read the full statement here
FAQ’s: Get Your Shot @ the NSFAS Funding
Applicants who are approved for NSFAS funding are covered for:
After your funding is confirmed, you may also receive allowances for the following:
You are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office of the institutions they are registered or admitted at to verify if their choice of qualification is funded by NSFAS
You qualify to a get shot of the NSFAS funding if you are a South African citizen or permanent resident who plans on registering or already studying at a public university or TVET college in Mzansi and you fall within one or more of the below categories:
The correct supporting documents are important in ensuring that NSFAS process your funding application in time for your registration at an institution of higher learning. The required supporting documents are: NB: No affidavits will be accepted as proof for any funding requirement YOU CAN APPLY ONLINE VIA WWW.NSFAS.ORG.ZA USING A CELLPHONE, TABLET AND COMPUTER. FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE STEPS TO APPLY: Step 1: Go to www.nsfas.org.za and click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab Step 2: Create a myNSFAS account Step 3: Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab and complete the sections on the screen Step 4: Upload required supporting documents where applicable Step 5: Click on ‘Submit’
If you do not have a digital devise or access to the internet, do not stress, simply pop into your nearest National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) or Thusong Centre to apply following the same steps. The system validates all information as received from the Department of Home Affairs. Ensure that you type in your ID number, name/s and surname exactly as they appear on your ID document or birth certificate. No. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, NSFAS has removed the requirement for documents to be certified. Yes, if you applied for NSFAS in 2021 or prior years and your application was not approved but you still need funding for 2022, you may apply again if you meet the funding criiteria Yes. After your NSFAS application is approved, you have a year to register at a TVET college or university. If your NSFAS funding application for the 2020 academic year was approved and you failed to register for a full year, you need to apply again. Yes. To be funded for an approved university qualification in 2022, you need to have passed and completed your TVET qualification. You also need to ensure that you apply at the university for a NSFAS funded course. To apply for NSFAS funding, you will need a functioning cellphone, a valid cellphone number and your own email address. You may also use a tablet or computer. If you don’t have a cellphone, you may use the cellphone of a trusted guardian or relative, but it is best to have your own cellphone number. No two applicants may use the same cellphone number or email address. This information is needed to create a myNSFAS account which you will use to apply for funding. You can click on the option to resend an OTP for another one to be sent to you. The verification of your ID number, name and surname is done immediately when creating your myNSFAS account. NSFAS uses verified details received from DHA. Should your information be incorrect, you will need to contact DHA to rectify it. Applicant/students must submit parental details correctly, especially their ID numbers, names and surnames, copies of IDs of parent(s)/ legal guardian. NSFAS will verify their income against third party data sources (Letter from employer / taxi association/ 3 months bank statement) Follow the steps below to reset your myNSFAS login details: STEP 1 – Go to : www.nsfas.org.za , click on ‘myNSFAS’ and then click on ‘forgot password’. STEP 2 - Type in your ID number and choose what you require help with: password or username or both and then click on ‘submit’. STEP 3 - The username and the link to change your password will be sent via SMS and email. STEP 4 - Open the link and you’ll be redirected to the reset password page. STEP 5 - Reset your password by following the prompts on your screen
The closing date for 2022 applications is midnight on the 7th January 2022.
Yes, applicants may resubmit after withdrawing their application if they resubmit before the closing date
Yes, these students need to apply again. There is no need to cancel previous application The option to appeal will be available on the myNSFAS portal. There will be more details on when applicants can appeal and when appeals will not be considered. It will also clarify what will be considered when an appeal is evaluated. More information to follow What does the NSFAS funding shot cover?
Who qualifies to take a shot at the NSFAS funding?
What supporting documents are needed to apply?
How and where to apply for the NSFAS Funding Shot?
I have loaded my ID number, name and surname, but I cannot continue with my application
Do my documents need to be certified?
I applied last year, and I was not approved for funding. Can I apply for 2022?
My application for NSFAS funding was approved, but I did not register during the time I was approved for NSFAS. Do I have to reapply for 2022?
I studied at a TVET college this year but want to proceed and study for a university qualification in 2022, do I need to apply?
How can I apply for funding if I don’t have a cellphone?
I am not receiving the One Time Pin (OTP). How do I access it?
How long does it take for NSFAS to verify my information with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA)?
If my parent, guardian or spouse is a taxi driver/domestic worker/informal trader, what proof of income should I upload?
What if I have an existing myNSFAS account but I have forgotten my old username, password and cellphone number. How do I reset my profile?
When will 2022 applications close?
Can students re-apply after withdrawing their application?
For students that have not received any funding decision for 2021 funding applications, does this mean it has not been approved since NSFAS is now open for 2022 and do I need to apply again?
What happens if you are declined for the NSFAS Bursary?