Think Tank 2021:7 - The Protection of Whistleblowers Webinar

Free Zoom Session

More about the webinar

The NWU Business School and the Institute for Commercial Forensic Practitioners (ICFP) invites you to participate in a Think Tank webinar on how forensic practitioners can enhance the protection of whistleblowers involved in commercial forensic investigations.

Forensic investigators are important role-players in the detecting, prevention and combatting of commercial crime, like fraud and corruption.  It follows that forensic practitioners often becomes involved with whistleblowers during their investigations, and indeed values, and often have to rely on, the very important role that whistle-blowers can play in both the detection, but also the investigation and prosecution of commercial crime.  As such forensic practitioners have an interest in the fostering of an anti-corruption culture through the enhancement of whistleblowing, specifically to ensure that whistleblowers are effectively protected and more pertinently that whistleblowers are not exposed as result of the actions of the forensic practitioner. 

The event will be conducted in the format of a panel discussion, where a panel of experts will each provide their insight or perspective on the topic, where-after the floor will be opened to attendees to participate in the discussion. The outcome of the webinar will be to provide practical insight and recommendations to the ICFP in order to enhance the protecting of whistleblowers involved with commercial forensic investigations.

Programme for event



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Contact Details

For more information, please contact -  Simoné Laubscher / 018 299 1419 (NWU Business School)