Public Lecture: Foreign Direct Investment - Possible solutions for South Africa


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Foreign Direct Investment became in the past 50 years one of the main instruments for maintaining the economic growth of developed countries. At the same time, when applied wisely, it can also become a powerful tool for enhancing the acquisition of capital investments, so needed by the developing nations. The open lecture aims at providing the Participants with a deeper insight into development opportunities created by this form of international investment from the perspective of Central and Eastern European Countries – important beneficiaries of FDI boom of the 90ties.

The lecture will cover such issues as the purpose and methods of Foreign Direct Investment, motivations for capital providers and receivers, advantages and disadvantages of FDI’s from micro- and macroeconomic perspective, as well as from the point of view of international companies and local societies. A parallel between Central and Eastern European experience and African countries, with special regard to South Africa, will be drawn.

Remigiusz Gawlik, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor at the International Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and International Relations of Cracow University of Economics. An alumnus of the College of Europe (European Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies), Cracow University of Economics (International Relations, International Management). Scholar of Polish Government at the College of Europe, Natolin / Brugge (Poland / Belgium) and Hanns–Seidel–Stiftung at the Georg–Simon–Ohm Fachhochschule Nürnberg (Germany, Betriebswirtschaft). Certified Gestalt Counsellor and consultant in business communication with experience in international companies (KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., ISP Modzelewski i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o., Compact S.A., Electricité de France, Kompania Piwowarska S.A., PMR Ltd. and others).

Hobbies: construction of motorcycles, adventure motorcycle tourism, guitar.

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