Please write and tell us where you are in the world and how your careers are progressing, or just write about anything that is close to your heart.
Email your letters to, fax them to 086 614 3222 or mail them to Nelia Engelbrecht, Institutional Office, North-West University, Private Bag X1290,
Potchefstroom, 2520.
Dear fellow alumni,
It's a rainy winter's day in Baltimore and I am thinking about the band Counting Crows. They had to know something about Baltimore when they wrote the song, “It’s raining in Baltimore”!
That said, we also have days here when the weather is fine and the beautifully lush cherry blossoms and magnolias line the streets in spring, and autumn announces its arrival by dressing the leaves in a variety of russet tones.
I, my husband, Jordan, our little boy, Drew, and our faithful mini Schnauzer, Maggie, live on a smallholding in Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore. As a pharmacy student at the NWU I never imagined that I would find my fortune across the Atlantic Ocean, and to be quite honest, that is not quite how our story goes.
I came here for love, and six years later I am still here because of that love.
Love for my family, but also love for a country that obstinately found a way into my heart.
I miss the sun and the people of Africa. I miss MY people, but I can say in all sincerity that the Americans are a very friendly nation, always asking with interest about my "boere" (Afrikaans) accent.
The first couple of years were hard. I struggled to find work and to make friends. My husband is an accountant who works long hours at a large media company and, as an independent, career-oriented woman, I had to learn to become entirely dependent on other people. I believe that this was my time to rest.
A tree uprooted and replanted doesn’t bear fruit that very first season; the Lord taught me to become still and wait. Wait for my driver's licence, wait for a job, wait to find the right church, and wait before I made new friends.
Waiting for work was my biggest challenge, but after a long struggle and many tears I started an internship with the state pathologist in Baltimore through Stevenson University, and this eventually led to a job.
I still miss my country and my people every single day, and am infinitely grateful for every person who played a part in shaping me.
When the wind rustles through the leaves in our yard I always think back to my days on the Potchefstroom Campus, sitting in Lovers' Lane – just listening. I wish I could inspire every student to treasure these tiny moments.
Sitting here across the waters I do not feel hopeless about South Africa and its future, and I keep praying for hope and hearts that will listen.
Andra Kruger
Baltimore, USA
The NWU & U
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We value your opinions and input – after all, the NWU & U belongs to us all.
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Studying pharmacy
Andra holds the following NWU qualifications:
BPharm (2001-2004)
MSc (2005-2006) (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) PhD (2007-2010) (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)