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Uncertain times

can be interesting

Dear alumni

We live in uncertain times. The world is in constant flux – the global economy is anything but stable and the balance of power between the leading nations of the world often seems to rest on a knife edge.


At the NWU we are also experiencing uncertainty. With a new strategy to guide us, we are working towards changing the structural landscape of the university. Reporting lines and roles may change and new working relationships may come into play.


Yet it is astonishing that, among the uncertainty, some things at the NWU never change. People keep on performing and excelling, for instance the researchers who were nominated for awards by the National Science and Technology Forum and Prof Jan Smit who won one of these sought-after accolades. Read more about these achievements in the article “Manager of NWU Science Centre receives ‘Science Oscar’”.


Another example is that of our supplemental instruction programme that recently received international acclaim. You can read about this in the article “NWU excels in supplemental instruction”.


However, it is not only the NWU staff who keep their eyes on the ball – our alumni also continue to rise above uncertain and challenging circumstances. In the section featuring profile articles on individual alumni, you can read how two young farmers plant food for the nation, despite the drought and with the unwavering belief that their hard work will grow into something beautiful and useful.


The high-quality entries we received for this year’s Alumni Awards also demonstrate the resilience of our alumni. To be able to achieve so much, they must have handled life’s uncertainties with great steadfastness, not allowing these to derail their individual journeys to excellence. (Look out for the next edition of the NWU & U to read who the winners of these awards are.)


In the meantime, regard the uncertainties of life as challenges and tackle them with the firm belief that your endeavours will also turn into something beautiful.


Happy reading,

The NWU & U team


The NWU & U


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