It is 6 June 1977 and a special day for the young Leon Joubert. After all, it’s not every day that you celebrate your 25th birthday in Antarctica…

Please write and tell us where you are in the world and how your careers are progressing, or just write about anything that is close to your heart.


Email your letters to nelia.engelbrecht@nwu.ac.za, fax them to 086 614 3222 or mail them to Nelia Engelbrecht, Corporate Communication, North-West University, Private Bag X1290,

Potchefstroom, 2520.



Trust breaks the ice

Dear fellow alumni


It was my privilege to do some research on cosmic rays for Prof Pieter Stoker in Antarctica 41 years ago. I relieved Prof Marius Potgieter, who had been in Antarctica the year before.


Last year we had our 40-year reunion in Gansbaai. Of the 16 team members, three have since passed away. Of the remaining 13, there were 11 of us who attended the reunion together with our spouses. Three travelled from Canada, the USA and Belgium to be there, and the two who could not attend currently live in New Zealand and the USA.


I had the privilege of enjoying many other experiences, but nothing compares to this Antarctica expedition! With the help of the NWU’s alumni office I made contact with Prof Stoker. I would like to share the contents of my email to him:


There has always been something that I would have liked to tell you should our paths ever cross again:


At the time I had only completed Physics I when you chose me to go to Antarctica. A while before we departed (during my training at the Physics Department) I asked how you could risk sending someone like me (with only Physics I) to SANAE for this important research. Your answer was: “Because trust breeds trust. And I trust you.”


I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. It has carried me throughout my life!


Those words, coming from you, blessed me.


Kind regards,


Leon Joubert





The NWU & U


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