Editorial  team:

Staff from the NWU’s Corporate Communication department

Language editing: Clairwyn van der Merwe

Design and layout: Karen Viljoen

Photography: NWU colleagues and service providers

For further enquiries / correspondence:

Nelia Engelbrecht - Tel (018) 299 4937 or

Internal box 260

eish! is produced and published in English, Setswana and Afrikaans by the Corporate Communication department of the NWU.

Swept up in an atmosphere brimming with excitement and expectation, more than 10 000 prospective students and their family members attended the 2019 open days across our university.


These events took place on 11, 18 and 24 May in Potchefstroom, Vanderbijlpark and Mahikeng respectively.


During the open days prospective students were introduced to the campuses that may soon become their home away from home.


What makes the NWU as a potential new home so special is, in vice-chancellor Prof Dan Kgwadi’s words, that it is “a place where imagination has no boundaries and where every student’s full potential is realised”.

Open days attract thousands

This is us


Watch the video to share in the excitement of the NWU’s open days.