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Senior management appointments

Dear NWU stakeholder,

The following senior appointments have been made by Council as part of the restructuring process to implement a new unitary model for the NWU. These appointments, made by Council during its meeting of 22 June 2017, take effect from 1 July 2017:

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC): Assignable Functions and Campus Operations & Executive Director

Mafikeng Campus:Communication to follow in due course.

Potchefstroom Campus Vaal Triangle Campus Executive Director: Student Life
Prof Fika Janse van Rensburg
(acting until 31 December 2017)
Prof Linda du Plessis Prof Lumkile Lalendle

Following consultation with institutional management, Senate, the NWU Council Ad Hoc Committee on Restructuring, Council Executive Committee (Exco) as well as Council, the following placements for key executive positions across the university will also take effect as from 1 July:

Executive deans

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Health Sciences
Prof Sonia Swanepoel Prof Robert Balfour
*Prof Martin Oosthuizen’s term as DVC: Teaching-Learning expires on 30 June 2017, Prof Balfour will act as DVC until the position is filled. The process of appointing an acting executive dean for the Faculty of Education will soon be finalised.
Prof LJ Grobler
(acting until the position is filled)
Prof Awie Kotze
Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Law Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Theology
Prof Marilyn Setlalentoa Prof Stephen de la Harpe
(acting until the position is filled)
Prof Eno Ebenso Prof Rantoa Letŝosa
(acting until the position is filled)

All the individuals who have been placed in the respective positions will hold these positions until their current contracts expire. Deans who have not been placed and/or those who have chosen not to be placed, will revert to their fall-back positions in the respective faculties in terms of the contractual arrangements entered between them and the university.

Even though some deputy deans have already been placed, discussions are continuing with regard to other placements or alternative placements, as well as acting appointments. Further communication in this regard, including all the names, will be issued as soon as the process has been finalised.

I would like to congratulate the appointed colleagues. I strongly believe that all of them have the insight to ensure the realisation of the university’s strategy of transforming and positioning the NWU as a unitary institution of superior academic excellence with a commitment to social justice. Together we will be able to take the NWU to greater heights.

Kind regards


Prof Dan Kgwadi


Aanstelling van senior bestuur

Beste NWU-belanghebber

Die volgende senior aanstellings is deur die Raad gemaak as deel van die herstruktureringsproses om 'n nuwe unitêre model vir die NWU te implementeer. Hierdie aanstellings, gemaak deur die Raad tydens hul vergadering op 22 Junie 2017, tree op 1 Julie 2017 in werking:

Adjunkvisekanselier (AVK): Toewysbare Funksies en Kampusbedryf & Uitvoerende Direkteur

Mafikengkampus: Kommunikasie volg binnekort.

Potchefstroomkampus Vaaldriehoekkampus Uitvoerende Direkteur: Studentelewe
Prof Fika Janse van Rensburg
(waarnemend tot en met 31 Desember 2017)
Prof Linda du Plessis Prof Lumkile Lalendle

Na afloop van konsultasie met institusionele bestuur, die Senaat, die NWU-raad se Ad Hoc Komitee oor Herstrukturering, die Raad se Uitvoerende Komitee (Exco) sowel as die Raad self, sal die volgende plasings wat betref sleutelposisies oor die universiteit heen ook op 1 Julie 2017 in werking tree:

Uitvoerende dekane

Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe Fakulteit Ingenieurswese
Prof Sonia Swanepoel Prof Marilyn Setlalentoa. Prof Awie Kotze Prof LJ Grobler
(waarnemend totdat pos gevul is)
Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe en Landbou Fakulteit Opvoedkunde Fakulteit Regte Fakulteit Teologie
Prof Eno Ebenso Prof Robert Balfour
*Prof Martin Oosthuizen se termyn as AVK: Onderrig-Leer verstryk op 30 Junie 2017, en prof Balfour sal as AVK waarneem totdat die posisie gevul is. Die proses om ‘n waarnemende uitvoerende dekaan vir die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde aan te stel, sal binnekort gefinaliseer word.
Prof Stephen de la Harpe
(waarnemend totdat pos gevul is)
Prof Rantoa Letŝosa
(waarnemend totdat pos gevul is)

Alle individue wat in die onderskeie posisies geplaas is, sal hierdie posisies behou totdat hul huidige termyne verstryk. Dekane wat nie geplaas is nie en/of dié wat verkies het om nie geplaas te word nie, sal terugkeer na hul terugvalposte in die onderskeie fakulteite, soos gestipuleer in die kontraktuele ooreenkomste wat tussen hulle en die universiteit gesluit is.

Alhoewel sommige adjunkdekane reeds geplaas is, gaan gesprekvoering wat betref ander of alternatiewe plasings sowel as waarnemende plasings voort. Meer inligting hieroor, wat die name van hierdie persone sal insluit, sal gekommunikeer word sodra die proses gefinaliseer is.

Ek wil graag die aangewysde kollegas gelukwens. Ek is oortuig daarvan dat hulle almal die insig het om die universiteit se strategie te realiseer – om die NWU te transformeer en te posisioneer as ʼn unitêre instelling van voortreflike akademiese uitnemendheid met ʼn verbintenis tot sosiale geregtigheid. Saam sal ons die NWU na hoër hoogtes kan neem.

Vriendelike groete


Prof Dan Kgwadi